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U-MULTILINK NXP/Freescale U-MULTILINK仿真器 全新替代Freescale老款BDM-PLC編程器

  • 品牌
  • 所在地深圳市
  • 更新時間2017-06-08
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 所在地區(qū)深圳市
  • 實名認證已認證
  • 產品數量47
  • 人氣值4754
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NXP/Freescale U-MULTILINK仿真器 全新替代Freescale老款BDM
Multilink Universal 多合一開發(fā)接口
?USB供電 -無需單獨的電源供應(目標燒寫小于1mA)。
NXP/Freescale U-MULTILINK仿真器 全新替代Freescale老款BDM-PLC編程器 產品詳情

NXP/Freescale U-MULTILINK仿真器 全新替代Freescale老款BDM

NXP/Freescale U-MULTILINK仿真器 全新替代Freescale老款BDM

Multilink Universal 多合一開發(fā)接口

  • 從PC到Multilink的USB接口允許快速,方便的編程和調試--通過方便和兼容的USB接口。
  • USB供電 -無需單獨的電源供應(目標燒寫小于1mA)。
  • 目標電壓:1.6V的-5.25V
  • 目標頻率:16KHz-50MHz (適用于HCS08,RS08,CFV1,或HCS12X)
  • 支持 HCS08,RS08,HCS12,HC12,ColdFire V1/+V1,ColdFire V2-4,Qorivva MPC55xx/56xx,以及 Kinetis ARM 微處理器系列。
  • 自動頻率檢測+適應,用于HCS08設備。
  • 自動頻率檢測,用于HC(S)12(X)設備。
  • 對RS08設備在RESET line生成燒寫電壓


P&E’s USB Multilink Universal is an all-in-one development interface which allows a PC access to the Background Debug Mode (BDM) or JTAG interface on Freescale HCS08, HC(S)12(X), S12Z, RS08, ColdFire V1/+V1, ColdFire V2-4*, Qorivva 55xx/56xx, and Kinetis ARM microcontrollers. It connects between a USB port on a Windows machine and the standard debug connector on the target. The Freescale microcontrollers are supported via the multiple headers located on the USB Multilink Universal. The product photos to the left of this page show how the headers can be accessed by simply flipping open the plastic case. Ribbon cables suitable for a variety of architectures are included.

Supported Freescale Devices:

  • Kinetis
  • Qorivva MPC55xx/56xx
  • ColdFire +V1/ColdFire V1
  • ColdFire V2/3/4
  • Power Architecture PX Series
  • HC(S)12(X)
  • S12Z
  • HCS08
  • RS08
  • DSC

By using the USB Multilink Universal, the user can take advantage of the background debug mode to halt normal processor execution and use a PC to control the processor. The user can then directly control the target’s execution, read/write registers and memory values, debug code on the processor, and program internal or external FLASH memory devices.

The USB Multilink Universal works with P&E Microcomputer System's in-circuit debuggers and flash programmers to allow debug and flash programming of the target processor. For many of the supported processors, P&E has a set of interface libraries allowing the user to write their own Windows based application which interacts with P&E's debug interface. IAR, Codesourcery, Keil, and CodeWarrior software all support the use of P&E's USB Multilink Universal to develop and debug with Freescale's Kinetis ARM devices.

This interface is USB 2.0 compatible, and it is also backwards compatible with USB 1.1 ports.

NOTE: For a much faster all-in-one development interface which can also supply power to the target, please see the USB Multilink Universal FX.

For production usage, see either the Cyclone PRO or Cyclone MAX stand alone programmer and debug interface, depending on which processor you are working with. See the comparison chart below.


  • USB interface from PC to Multilink allows for fast, easy programming and debugging -- with the ease and compatibility of the USB interface.
  • Draws power from USB interface-- no separate power supply required (draws less than 1mA from the target).
  • Target Voltage: 1.6V-5.25V
  • Target Frequency: 16Khz-50Mhz (applies to HCS08,RS08,CFV1, S12Z, or HCS12X only)
  • Compatible with HCS08, RS08, HC(S)12(X), S12Z, ColdFire V1/+V1, ColdFire V2-4, Qorivva MPC55xx/56xx, and Kinetis ARM families of microcontrollers.
  • Includes USB cable, Type A Male to Type B Male, 6-ft.
  • Auto-frequency detection + trimming capabilities for HCS08 devices.
  • Auto-frequency detection for HC(S)12(X) devices.
  • Generates programming voltage on RESET line for RS08 devices.


  • One (1) USB 2.0 High Speed Cable, Type A to Type B, 6-ft.
  • One (1) 6-pin 0.100" pitch ribbon cable for connecting to RS08, HCS08, HC(S)12(X), S12Z, ColdFire V1/V1+ targets
  • One (1) 14-pin 0.100" pitch ribbon cable for connecting to Qorivva MPC55xx/56xx targets
  • One (1) 26-pin 0.100" pitch ribbon cable for connecting to asynchronous ColdFire V2/V3/V4 targets
  • One (1) 20-pin 0.100" pitch ribbon cable for connecting to Kinetis ARM targets
  • One (1) 20-pin 0.050" pitch ribbon cable for connecting to Kinetis ARM targets



聯 系 人 ;雷 俊 (先 生)






: 401512450

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